Pre-Treatment Care

The treatment colour and sharpness will fade by up to 60% during the two week period following the procedure as your skin heals which is why we recommend a top up appointment for all treatments within 12 weeks of your original appointment.

On average it takes about two weeks (14 days) for the treatment to fully heal but it will depend on your personal circumstances. 

In most cases there is some unevenness to the colour of the treatment and that is to be expected and is another reason why we recommend a top up appointment for all treatments within 12 weeks of your original appointment.

Below is a list of points to consider before undertaking any of our treatments.

  • After the treatment the treated area may become swollen or read therefore it is advised that you not make any social plans the same day.
  • You may wear your normal make-up to the appointment however it will be removed ahead of the treatment. 
  • DO NOT take any Aspirin, Ibuprofen or other blood thinning drugs for two days before and after your treatment. If you are taking any medication please consult your doctor before booking an appointment.
  • DO NOT drink any alcohol the day before the treatment. 

Eyebrow Treatments

In addition to the general advice outlined above please consider the additional points below ahead of your Eyebrow treatment.

  • DO NOT wax the area within two days (48 hours) ahead of the treatment. 
  • DO NOT have any Electrolysis treatments within five days ahead of the treatment.
  • DO NOT have any Eyebrow tinting treatments within two weeks ahead of the treatment. 

Eye Treatments

In addition to the general advice outlined above please consider the additional points below ahead of your Eye treatment.

  • DO NOT have any Eyelash tinting within one week ahead of the treatment. 
  • DO NOT have any Eyelash perming within one week ahead of the treatment. 
  • DO NOT have any Eyelash tinting for two weeks following the treatment. 
  • DO NOT have any Eyelash perming for two weeks following the treatment. 
  • DO NOT wear contact lenses during our immediately after the treatment instead please bring your glasses. 
  • DO NOT wear contact lenses until the eyes feel comfortable which is normally after twenty four hours of the treatment.
  • Due to swelling we advise you to have someone accompany you to drive you home after the treatment.

Lip Treatments 


  • If you suffer from cold sores (herpes simplex)
    • You can consult your doctor before undergoing treatment. They will be able to provide you with appropriate medication to prevent an outbreak of cold sores. If you do not then there is a chance you could suffer from an outbreak.
    • You can obtain herpes medication from your local chemist and use for one week before and one week after your treatment which can help minimise the outbreak. 
  • Lip Treatments DO NOT cause cold sores but the treatment can cause the cold soar virus to become aroused by the treatment leading to an outbreak.
  • DO NOT have any Lip waxing treatments within two weeks ahead of the treatment. 
  • DO NOT have any Lip bleaching treatments within two weeks ahead of the treatment. 
  • DO NOT have any Lip fillers within four weeks ahead of the treatment.
  • DO NOT have any Lip fillers within eight weeks after your treatment.